Applications for the Chemical Industry
The Netherlands has been one of the great forerunners of the chemical industry. The Chemical Industry has its origins in the 16th century, when raw materials such as lead and mercury were processed. In the 18th century, hydrochloric acid, salt and soda were developed as a result of an evaporation process, and at the end of the 18th century, pigments and other dyes were still produced in a traditional way.
From the mid-19th century, the demand for sulfuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid increased. The production of chemical-based consumer goods also increased significantly in the 2nd half of the 19th century: soap, cleaning products, lubricating oils, paints, varnishes, etc.
At the beginning of the 20th century, De state mines were founded in the south of the Netherlands to extract coal. As a by-product, a lot of ammonia water was released that could be converted into fertilizers.
21st century
In the 21st century, many chemical companies are still active on the Dutch market. Today many chemical companies are located on so-called chemical parks; a residual product for one company is often a main component for another. This limits the transport of hazardous substances to a large extent.
Chemical parks are often visible by the many tanks, columns and reactors that are located there, connected by pipelines. On the other hand, the many devices and installations are often located in closed factories.
Role of ME-Metals & Technologies B.V.
ME-Metals & Technologies designs, produces and supplies equipment for the Chemical Industry, specializing in pressure vessels up to 25m³. Heat exchangers and piping are also part of the program. The production of these devices is done in collaboration with Alteco NV.
In collaboration with Tantaline®, we offer a surface treatment that gives stainless steel parts the corrosion resistance of Tantalum.
The industries to which ME-Metals & Technologies supplies its products and services are:
- Chemical Process Industry (CPI);
- Pharmaceutical Industry;
- Petrochemical Industry;
- Mining;
- Agro-Industry;
- Food Industry.