
Tantaline® is a special surface treatment that gives stainless steel parts the corrosion-resistant properties of Tantalum. Special exotic metals such as Nickel alloys, Titanium, Zirconium, Niobium and even Tantalum can be replaced by Tantaline®. The big advantage: cost savings.

Tantaline® Technology

The Tantaline® treatment is not a coating. It is a diffusion bound CVD process in which a diffusion zone is created on the surface. The treated surface has the properties of pure Tantalum. The Tantaline® process is performed in a sealed reactor under controlled vacuum conditions.

Properties of Tantaline® treated parts

Tantaline® treated products have properties that allow parts to be used under corrosive conditions.

Important features and properties are:

  • The thickness of the Tantaline layer is 50 m;
  • The parts must fit in a reactor, which has the dimensions of approx. dia 420mm x height 800mm;
  • The treatment takes place at a temperature of approximately 800 degrees, under vacuum;
  • The parts are provided with a 100% Tantaline layer on the inside and outside; shielding of specific areas is possible.

Base materiaal

The basic materials that are standard used for the Tantaline treatment are stainless steel 304, stainless steel 316(L) and copper. These materials have been extensively tested and the results have been fully approved, so that we can give a full guarantee for the treatment. 

Other materials, such as 316Ti – 1.4571 and various Nickel alloys, have not yet been tested. Although we have experience with these materials, we cannot give any guarantees regarding their treatment.

Ask for the possibilities.

Information related to your application

For a correct assessment of your application, we need a drawing of the relevant product. We also look at the external dimensions of the product, any small diameters x the relevant length of the holes, cut wire and whether the product has been welded.

Furthermore, the product must be suspended in the reactor; it is therefore important to know which stains come into contact with the medium. Taking a flange as an example, the inside diameter is usually important, but the outside of the flange can be used to place the flange in the reactor.

Finally, it is important for Tantaline that we can provide the product with a mark for registration. For example on the outside of a flange mentioned above.

We appreciate it if the customer provides us with these locations. As an alternative, we can make a proposal for this.


Applications for Tantaline treatment include valves, fittings, autoclaves, process chambers, flow reactors, bellows, fasteners, flow meters, mixers and medical devices.

Other applications are of course possible, please contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Test coupon

Tantaline has treated test rings available in stainless steel 316. These are treated with standard 50μm in the size Ø30mm x thickness 3mm. We offer these rings as a test coupon to test in your own corrosive medium.

For more information, please contact us.